
Who is the 'Hawk Tuah girl' taking over TikTok?

Who is the 'Hawk Tuah girl' taking over TikTok?
Who is the viral "Hawk Tuah" girl?
Cracked.com - Know Your Meme / VideoElephant

Another day, another meme birthed on TikTok – and this time, the platform has turned its attention to the 'hawk tuah girl' from Tennessee.

YouTubers Tim & Dee TV sparked the trend after sharing a clip of them interviewing various partygoers on the street. In one of the videos, a girl and her friend were asked a string of random questions relating to relationships.

In one of the snippets, she responds to an NSFW question in a Southern accent: "Oh, you gotta give him that hawk tuah and spit on that thang! You get me?"

Fellow TikTokers have since turned her response into a meme, while others are desperate to find out who she is.

The first clip of the Hawk Tuah Girl was shared on the platform on 11 June. There are a handful of other videos on Tim and Dee’s page featuring the hawk tuah girl and her friend.

Since then, TikTokers claimed to have found the woman, but the account is now reportedly deleted.

Chances are, the woman-in-question was not expecting to become a TikTok sensation – she was on a night out after all, and possibly doesn't remember being interviewed.

Despite this, people found her responses hilarious and flocked to the platform to praise the unnamed woman.

"Her whole interview is hilarious," one person quipped, while another added: "I was hoping I was the only one that fell in love with her but I think the whole world did."

Meanwhile, a third joked: "What if her literal name is Hawk Tuah?"

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