
Family of the 'fully conscious' Four Seasons Orlando baby reveal child's secrets

Family of the 'fully conscious' Four Seasons Orlando baby reveal child's secrets
Baby steals hearts by saying she wants to stay at Four Seasons …
New York Post / VideoElephant

The parents of the 'Four Seasons Orlando baby' have finally spoken out about their child going unexpectedly viral and becoming the internet's latest meme.

It turns out the baby that's got everyone talking is one-year-old Kate Wise from Tampa, Florida, and her parents Bailey and William Wise exclusively spoke to PEOPLE about how the viral post came about.

Anyone who has been on TikTok recently will have seen the clip where Bailey asks her two daughters (baby Kate, and Madelyn, 4) if they want to go to the Four Seasons Orlando.

In response, the Madelyn excitedly shouts "Me!" but to everyone's surprise, the baby being held in her dad's arms then shoots her arm up, pointing her finger too and also says "me" in a calm manner as the baby is seemingly able to comprehend the question despite being so young.


If the @Four Seasons Hotels is looking for a baby ambassador my niece got you 😂🤣😂🤣😂

With over 46.6m views after the video was posted by Kate’s aunt, Stefanie O’Brien (@sobrizzle), viewers have described Kate as a "fully conscious baby" with various edits being created for the meme - including a posh English gentleman's voiceover.

“My husband's shirt is unbuttoned, Kate was in her diaper. This was before bath time. There was really no recording this multiple times,” Bailey told PEOPLE and explained the video for the family group chat was made to try and convince her parents to come on holiday with them.

That's when Aunt Stefanie posted the clip to TikTok without telling her sister after “dying laughing” from watching it with her pals.

Once it began going viral, dad Will was informed about the video from his friend as Bailey remembers him asking her in shock: "Did you know that we are going viral and trending?"

But what everyone really wants to know... is Kate really a fully conscious baby?

“It's kind of the middle,” according to Will. “She won't say ‘me!’ to everything . . . It legitimately has to be something she recognizes and wants to do. She's been to the Four Seasons before. She does recognize certain things and she does [say] ‘me!’”

While Bailey noted how the now-famous finger point is "how she first started communicating," but she can also say "mama” and “dada", as well as blueberries, bananas and olives, which are all her favourite foods.

Safe to say, the family were surprised to learn Kate had sparked an internet craze.

"We definitely did not expect it. It is crazy,” Stefanie explained. “I think at first when we were looking at the reactions we were genuinely laughing so hard at every single one of the comments, the stitches . . . and now it's just turned into this phenomenon of every big brand is capitalizing on it.”

In the years to come, Kate will learn about her accidental viral stardom and her parents are "saving some of the articles, some of the funny memes or tweets" to create a scrapbook to remember this surreal moment.

Given the publicity the one-year-old has given the Four Seasons Orlando, the hotel has been in communication with the family and has been "super generous."

"We were blown away from the response on social media," Four Seasons Orlando told the publication and added that it's "safe to say the ‘boss baby’ has become a mini-celebrity!"

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