Science & Tech
Greg Evans
Aug 10, 2020

Joe Rogan Experience/ YouTube/ Joe Rogan/ Instagram
The outspoken podcast host Joe Rogan went on a foul-mouthed rant over the weekend where he complained about 'satanic filters' on Instagram.
On Saturday, Rogan posted a picture of what at first glance appeared to be a selfie of an unknown woman, but in the caption Rogan revealed that it was actually him. He said his daughter had used filters on Instagram to make him look this way.
Rogan then went on a rant about 'bizarre' and 'satanic' filters and accused the internet of trying to rob people's 'happiness.' The 52-year-old wrote.
If you wanna know how f**ked we are and how bizarre filters are and how distorted young women’s expectations of beauty are, I present you this picture. This IS ME. My 10 year old daughter is laughing hysterically because she took a picture of my ugly chimp face making kissy lips and ran it through some satanic filter designed to steal women’s self esteem through pure deception and fuckery, and this is the result. Protect yourself, my friends. The internet is trying to rob you of your happiness.
It's hard to tell it Rogan's grudge is with filters or with unrealistic expectations that are placed upon women thanks to filters on popular social media apps.
To emphasise his point and further blame this on the devil, Rogan posted what the original selfie looked like and you have to say that his daughter did an outstanding job.
Rogan also shared his transformation on Twitter, where he caused even more confusion about what he was actually annoyed at.
Rogan has not been shy of controversy or headlines in 2020 having been accused of 'hoarding' during the pandemic and continuing to have guests in his studio, like Elon Musk, during the height of the crisis. He has also commentated on UFC events and shook hands with fighters after their bouts despite fears about coronavirus. Media Matters also reports that a recent episode of his popular podcast featured Dr. Debra Soh, who has been accused of espousing transphobic views.
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