Being a kid in hospital isn't very fun at all.
Things might be a little more exciting though if every hospital was next to a major sports stadium.
In America, college football is a huge deal. Like, almost as big as the pro National Football League.
Therefore having the Iowa Hawkeyes stadium next to University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital must be pretty exciting for the patients.
It gets better when you realise that the hospital directly overlooks the Kinnick Stadium.
For the start of the 2017 season the Hawkeyes and their legion of fans decided to introduce a new tradition.
At the end of the first quarter everyone in attendance would turn and wave at the hospital, making for a heartwarming moment.
The view from the hospital is even better.
The hospital has been around for nearly 100 years so why has this tradition started so recently?
Well, it was first suggested on Hawkeye Heaven, a Facebook page for the team, back in June and has caught on from there.
The hospital have also shown their appreciation to the fans and their support.
On a slightly different-but-still-football-related note here is a video of a dog retrieving the kick off tee at Boise State.
Awww....good boy!
HT SEC Country, SB Nation
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