A newspaper advert has brilliantly summarised the hurdles overcome by the England women's football team in their journey to third place in the World Cup.
The Lionesses defeated Germany on Saturday night, making them the second most successful England national team behind the men's 1966 heroes.
But as this advert by FA sponsor Vauxhall, which appeared in national newspapers including The Times on Saturday, showed, it was by no means an easy ride.
The boys who wouldn't let you play
The teachers who wouldn't let you join the team
The bosses who wouldn't give you time off to train
The pundits who patronised you
The relatives who just didn't get it
The doubters
The smirkers
The chauvinists
The shirt-swapping gags
The Mexicans
The Colombians
The Norwegians
The Canadians
You beat them all. And won 50 million hearts along the way.
Congratulations to the Lionesses on an unforgettable tournament.
After the team's success, there should at least be fewer hurdles for the next generation.
More: Some everyday sexism about the Women's World Cup… on Fifa's website
More: A British newspaper has actually published this incredibly sexist article on women's football