Evan Bartlett
Jul 31, 2014

Following accusations and counter-accusations and counter-counter-accusationsThe Times has published a full transcript of Usain Bolt reportedly calling the Commonwealth Games (or was it the Scottish weather) "a bit st":**
Katie Gibbons (KG, Times reporter): Hi Usain, I'm Katie Gibbons, a reporter from The Times. Nice to meet you.
Usain Bolt (UB): Hi.
KG: How are you?
UB: (Shrugs)
KG: So are you enjoying the games? Are you having fun?
UB: No.
KG: Really, why not?
UB: I'm just not... it's a bit s**t. (Shrugs, looks up to grey sky).
KG: What do you mean?
UB: I've only been here two days.
KG: Is it like the Olympics?
UB: Nah. Olympics were better.
KG: Really, how?
UB: (Shrugs).
KG: Where are you off to now?
UB: To do some business.
To clarify the whole situation, broadcasting giant Gary Lineker weighed in with a thought-provoking tweet of his own...
And so did he who shall not be named...
So was the world's fastest man (that's Usain Bolt, not Piers Morgan) talking about the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow itself, or the Scottish weather? Will we ever find out? The world waits with bated breath...
More: The Commonwealth Games v Olympics: Opening ceremony face-off
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