
NFL fan handed football worth $500,000 - then gave it back

An NFL fan had quite an experience at a game this weekend when he was given a ball then asked to hand it back.

Buccaneers fan Byron Kennedy was sitting in the front row when receiver Mike Evans, having scored after being passed a ball by Tom Brady, gave him the ball as part of a touchdown celebration, without realising the ball was the 600th touchdown throw of Brady’s career, making him the first quarterback in NFL history to reach the milestone.

Upon realising, Evans looked shocked and a trainer soon started negotiating with Kennedy to successfully get it back.

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But it was not a walk in the park. According to reports, Kennedy managed to secure a signed jersey and a different, game-used football in exchange for the ball. He also received a $1,000 gift card to the Buccaneers team store.

But he could well have been short changed. According to one estimate, the ball could have gone for as much as $500,000 or more at auction.

Regardless, it seems he wasn’t too bothered by the potential financial blow. Speaking to Tampa Bay Times, he said getting the ball was “really cool”. He said:

“Getting the ball was really cool. I don’t normally sit in the front row, so I’ve never gotten a ball before,” Kennedy said. “Giving it up was tough. The trainer came over and asked for it. But what am I going to do? Say no to Tom Brady?”

“He asked for the ball back. I didn’t really need the ball. It was cool, I got to hold it, take pictures with it. And then Tom Brady wanted it, so I gave it back.”

Fair enough.

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