
Gary Lineker responds to Frank Lampard balding joke backlash: "You f**king idiot"

Gary Lineker responds to Frank Lampard balding joke backlash: "You f**king idiot"
Gary Lineker aims balding jibe at Frank Lampard during BBC's Euro 2024 …

Frank Lampard has become just as well known for his meme-ability over recent years as he has for his managerial career since his playing days came to an end.

Now, he’s gone viral all over again – only this time, he definitely won’t be happy about the reasons why.

Lampard was in the BBC studio during the Euros coverage when host Gary Lineker unleashed a brutal dig at the former Chelsea and England midfielder.

Lampard appeared on the panel alongside Alex Scott and Thomas Frank for Germany’s 2-0 win over Hungary, when Lineker spoke about the Germany supporters by the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, right next to the BBC studio.

The fans, though, were hidden from video from the panel by a screen.

“I wish they'd take that screen down, then we'd see all the punters. But if they took the screen down, they wouldn't be able to watch the game,” Lineker said.

“The back of our heads,” Lampard replied. “Who wouldn't turn up for that?”


Then, out of nowhere, Lineker appeared to have a brutal dig at Lampard’s hair, saying: “No one wants to see the back of your head these days, do they, Frank? That's for sure.”

Lampard’s face soon dropped, and people on social media pointed out how miffed he looked, staring sternly at Lineker.

"Gary Lineker has just absolutely bodied Frank Lampard on live TV. Lampard's face is killing me. The fume," one social media user wrote.

Another said: "He didn't have to do Frank like that."

One more said: "The moment he realised man."

"That is savage from Gary," a user commented.

However, when speaking on his The Rest is Football podcast with Micah Richards and Alan Shearer, Lineker admitted that he might have gone too far.

The former England striker said: "“Obviously Frank’s slightly thinning, I’m slightly thinning, and I actually meant it about everyone. But when it came out, it came out a bit wrong. And you know Frank does that thing where he smiles, and then he suddenly doesn’t smile?

“Frank’s great fun, he won’t mind. I must admit, when I got back to the hotel I saw it on social media and thought, ‘Oh you f*****g idiot.’ I felt really bad, I’ll have to apologise. I will apologise because it wasn’t deliberate but I get how funny it was. Those things happen on live TV.”

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