Evan Bartlett
Feb 14, 2015

Bayern fans during their 8-0 win over Hamburg on Saturday
A group of Bayern Munich fans today showed their disliking for the money-driven Premier League with a sign that read "This ain't no Premier League. Nein zum Englischen modell" (No to the English model).
While many fans in England feel priced out of the game by expensive tickets, replica shirts and a lack of games on free-to-air television, the game in Germany is still relatively cheap.
This week, Sky Sports and BT paid a record £5.136bn to show three seasons worth of Premier League football - which equates to £10m a game.
But as the Independent's head of business James Ashton pointed out: "Neither would be so unsubtle as to try to pass on their soaring costs directly to customers. Bills must get bigger, under the guise of more “value” in the bundle of TV and phone services they market. Be in no doubt who is paying for this sky-high splurge in the long run."
German fans obviously don't want their game to go the same way.
More: TV channels have paid an astonishing amount of money for football
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