
The new Spider-Man poster is such a photoshop fail that fans are designing their own versions

The new Spider-Man poster has dropped, and it features the likes of Jake Gyllenhaal, a CGI rendered Spider-Man and Samuel L Jackson’ Nick Fury.

Rather than delight, fans of the Marvel franchise thought the poster is a bit of a disappointment.

A big, infuriating disappointment*

And so the photoshop battles: Parody Version, was swiftly under way.

There's this one featuring Thor

And this one featuring an actual spider

Some are less creative than others

And others added random non - MCU characters in because at this point, why not?

Some people didn't even go as advanced as photoshop...

And others used creative licence to create something totally different

There is a throwback

But others didn't even try and hide their trolling

And these fan-made posters that are incredible

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