Last year, Sam Smith came out as non-binary and changed their pronouns to they/them.
In an ideal world, people would have celebrated Smith for their bravery. In reality, however, they faced a great deal of backlash and trolling.
Speaking to CBS This Morning, the 28-year-old singer explained how they weren’t prepared for the “ridicule” they faced.
They said: “Honestly, I can't express to enough people how much courage it's taken.”
Smith continued:
I wasn't prepared for the amount of ridicule. And bullying, really, that I've experienced.
They added: “I mean, honestly, the comments and the types of things that I have to answer and walk through every day is very, very intense.”
In the interview, Smith also took time to carefully describe their gender identity.
They said:
Queer people all around the world, we don't identify within those two places. Gender, for me, has been nothing but traumatizing and challenging throughout my life.
Smith then added:
It's so hard to explain. I just feel like myself. I don't feel like a man, basically.
Through their music and honest discussion about being non-binary, Smith has become somewhat of a role model for queer youth.
But, in May of this year, Smith admitted to struggling with the idea of being somebody for young people to look up to.
Given that Smith has four Grammy awards, an Oscar, a Golden Globe and is living life authentically, they are doing a pretty good job of that.