Narjas Zatat
Nov 15, 2016

What’s better than one sarcastic Reynolds? Two. Two is always better.
Gordon Reynolds, Ryan’s "twin brother" interviewed him at the Gramercy Park Hotel following his GQ Man of the Year award.
Once you get over the fact that there are two of them in the same room, you’ll quickly realise that Ryan is not the meaner brother.
Gordon dives right in:
First question: why are you such a c--t?
(In case you weren't sure which one is Ryan, he's the one on the right looking scared)
Picture: GQ/YouTube
Gordon continues to roast his brother, asking such gems as "why can’t you be like other actors – good ones?" and "how many times have you met your children?" Probably in reference to Ryan’s dad actions on Twitter.
Picture: GQ/YouTube
The takedown was brutal.
Picture: GQ/YouTube
Jake Gyllenhaal also made an awkward appearance as boom operator (because apparently, that's all he's good for).
On his brother, Ryan had one thing to say:
My twin brother Gordon is a world class a--hole.
Picture: GQ/YouTube
And he's glorious.
You can watch the takedown you’ve all been waiting for, below:
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