
Ryan Reynolds and Seth Rogen had perfect responses after being called on to warn young people about coronavirus

Hollywood superstars and proud Canadians, Seth Rogen and Ryan Reynolds have been asked to encourage young people to carry on abiding by coronavirus guidelines and their responses were typical of the two.

The pair were asked by British Columbia premier John Horgan to tell people, especially younger people, to keep wearing masks and remaining two meters apart.

In a public address Horgan said:

I have been talking about the importance of making sure that younger demographics are hearing the message. This is a callout to Deadpool right now, Ryan Reynolds we need you help up here. Get in touch. My number is on the internet. Seth Rogen another outstanding British Columbian, we need to communicate with people that aren't hearing us. The two of you alone could help us in that regard. We are working as hard as we can to enlist as many prominent British Columbians and Canadians that we can to help get that message through to the demographic that clearly isn't hearing our message.

It took the two actors a few days to respond but it was worth the wait. Rogen initially told Horgan that he had slid into his DMs before posting a tweet befitting of the star of Pineapple Express and Knocked Up who basically told people to avoid others and get high on their own, which we cannot condone but at least they aren't spreading coronavirus.

As good as Rogen's reply was, Reynolds, who is sort of a master of social media, said that he had sent a voice message to Horgan's office but also shared a clip on Twitter. In reply to Horgan he said:

Hey, premier Horgan. Ryan Reynolds here. I got your message about the thing.

I'm not sure it's a great idea frankly. I don't think people want medical advice from guys like me, no sir. Unless it's plastic surgery. A lot of people don't know this but I used to be Hugh Jackman.

Young folks in BC they are partying, which is, of course, dangerous and they probably don't know that thousands of young people aren't just getting sick from coronavirus they are also dying from it too. Of course, it's terrible that it affects our most vulnerable.

BC is home to some of the coolest people on Earth. David Suzuki, he lives there. My mom, I mean, she doesn’t want to be cooped in her apartment all day; she wants to be out there cruising Kitsilano Beach, looking for some young 30-something Abercrombie burnout to go full Mrs. Robinson on. She is insatiable. But here’s the thing. I hope that young people in BC don’t kill my mom, frankly, or [environmental scientist] David Suzuki, or each other.

Let’s not kill anyone. I think that’s reasonable.

Reynolds rambling message might not have been what Horgan had in mind but he still managed to get a joke about Hugh Jackman in there.

Jokes aside, coronavirus cases is still very active in Canada with Global News reporting that 198 were reported in the country on Sunday. The country has also stood firm of stopping American visitors travelling across the border on vacation. More than 9,000 people in Canada have died from Covid-19 since March and there have been more than 122,000 confirmed cases.

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