
Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling could not handle their interview with Alison Hammond

The widely anticipated sequel to the cult classic Blade Runner is out this week, and its stars Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling have been on the interview circuit plugging the film.

One of the most entertaining interviews so far comes via ITV's This Morning, and their awesome reporter Alison Hammond.

As Ford, Gosling and Hammond all get their microphones, Ryan admires a rather fine whiskey glass that was actually used in the original movie. When he asks if Hammond is a fan, she replies that she's never actually seen it.

That set the tone for a truly a memorable interview.

Kicking off proceedings with a joke about how her interview style was "bleak and dystopian," much like Blade Runner, Hammond had Gosling in giggling fit straight away, and Ford saying:

This is not the introduction we were promised!

It's at this point that Gosling breaks out the booze.

Hammond then goes on to ask Ford what his initial reaction was when he got the call to come back to the role of Deckard, the replicant hunting badass from the original classic.

His response was 100% pure Harrison Ford.

Which lead to more drinking.

After some back and forth about knitting. Yes, knitting. Hammond went back to chat to Ford and Gosling didn't really know what to do with himself.

Watch what else happened during the interview below:

Blade Runner 2047 is out in UK cinemas 5 October, 2017.

More: Ryan Gosling whispered in this woman's ear at the Oscars and we need to know what he said!

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