Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and Piers Morgan has just shut down some disgraceful comments in the wake of Parasite’s success at the Oscars on Sunday night.
Jon Miller, the host of BlazeTV, reacted to Bong Joon-ho winning an Oscar for best original screenplay in the manner of a problematic uncle who’s had a few too many on Christmas Day. He tweeted:
A man named Bong Joon Ho wins #Oscar for best original screenplay over Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and 1917,” wrote Miller. “Acceptance speech was: ‘GREAT HONOR. THANK YOU.’ Then he proceeds to give the rest of his speech in Korean. These people are the destruction of America.
Morgan shared the tweet with the simple words, “You disgusting racist pr*ck”.
There really is very little to add given the director has rightly been hailed for an extraordinary film and was accepting a prize in a language that isn’t his own.
But maybe don't rush to hail Morgan as a progressive hero just yet. This is, after all, just a few weeks after he caused controversy by appearing to mock the Chinese language live on television.
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