Marvel has been accused of using antisemitic imagery in a recent edition of a Hulk comic book.
The imagery occurred in Immortal Hulk #43 which is written by Al Ewing and illustrated by Joe Bennett. The issue looks Bruce Banner's alter-ego of Joe Fixit, who attempts to throw some adversaries of his tail by pulling a scam and making some quick cash.
One seen within the story sees Fixit haggling in a Jewish jewellery store (quite possibly a nod to the acclaimed 2019 Adam Sandler movie Uncut Gems which revolves around a Jewish jewellery business). In the background of the panel you can see the name of the shop, which is 'Cronemberg's Jewery.' The Star of David can also be prominently seen in the image.
However, the positioning, of the characters in the panel obscure the letter 'y' meaning the sign reads as 'Cronemberg's Jewer.' The imagery combined with a character attempting to haggle goods for money are typical of the types of antisemitic stereotypes that are often used against Jewish people.
Bennett has since spoken on Facebook to take responsibility for any offence caused. According to him the name of the store was a reference to the acclaimed horror director David Cronenberg, which he managed to spell incorrectly. He apologised for the use of the Star of David as well, claiming he "failed to understand this troubling and offensive stereotype, and after listening to you all, I now understand my mistake."
Marvel has also said that they will be editing and reprinting the comic to remove the offensive imagery. In a statement, they said, "Marvel is correcting and reprinting the main and variant editions of Immortal Hulk #43, originally on sale 2/3. Requests to return for exchange on Immortal Hulk #43 with these corrected versions may be made starting today."
A Marvel representative told CBR, "[They] fully acknowledged this mistake was missed on our side as well."
Games Radar also notes that Bennett has been forced to apologise in the past after making homophobic and transphobic comments on social media.
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