
Macaulay Culkin has turned 40 and everyone suddenly felt very, very old

If you are a person of a certain age, Macaulay Culkin and his movies will be synonymous with your childhood.

Films like Home Alone, My Girl, Uncle Buck and Richie Rich as well as Michael Jackson music videos would have been on repeat in most households in the 1990s but that was a long, long time ago.

You might wanna be seated when you read this next part but Culkin is now... 40 (FORTY) years old. The former child star celebrated his birthday on Wednesday and confirmed his age in a tweet that would probably send most people into shock.

He followed this up with a tweet saying that "he's no longer a kid" which is evidently true.

Despite the fact that he was last relevant about 30 years ago, people were still shocked to learn that Culkin had grown older and wasn't still a fresh-faced mischievous 10-year-old.

Some did wish him a happy birthday, which was nice of them.

Nowadays, Culkin does sporadic pieces of acting but has also taken an interest in art and music pursuits. At the end of 2019, there were reports of a Home Alone remake being in the works but no news of whether Culkin would be involved, who by now is probably old enough to pay one of the burglars.

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