
Brexit was debated on Love Island and it was as good as it sounds

Whatever side of the Brexit debate you lie on, we can all agree that the only way it should really be discussed is by beautiful young people on a reality TV show.

Right? No? Just us then?

Anyway, the latest season of Love Island has seen more of the same heartbreak, disappointment, lusting and tanned bodies. And although it's only been back on our screen for a few days, it has already produced maybe the best moment in the show's history.

The topic of the UK's exit from the European Union was brought up by 20-year-old student Georgia Steel as the female contestants were sitting around by the pool.

That seems fair enough, as it must be impossible to talk about who you fancy all the time. While Georgia may have been wanting to have a democratic discussion, she probably wasn't expecting this response from Hayley Hughes.

To be honest we didn't really think that trees were under threat by Brexit, but Hayley made us think otherwise.

Considering that Love Island is one of the most tweeted about subjects at the moment, the world of social media went into meltdown over this exchange.​

To be honest, it would appear that Hayley knows just as much about Brexit as most of our politicians, so we probably shouldn't laugh.

HT Huff Post

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