Bethan McKernan
May 25, 2016
Spoilers ahead, obviously
The latest episode of Game of Thrones killed off Hodor, one of the show's most popular characters. (He was also one of the only morally upstanding ones, but that's by the by).
The 20-year-old mystery of how Hodor ended up only able to say his name was also solved via a plotline that involved Bran timetravelling ('green seeing') into the past, when Hodor was a young man called Wyllis.
As Meera told him to "Hold the door" to allow her to escape with Bran, Hodor repeats his name over and over again as wights tear into his flesh.
Back in the past, Wyllis falls to the ground and starts fitting, saying 'hold the door' over and over again until it becomes just 'Hodor'.
It was basically as tragic as fiction gets.
But that hasn't stopped one enterprising person in Baltimore from capitalising with 'Hodor' engraved doorstoppers:
A hand-made, laser engraved wooden Ho(ld the) door stop for fans, to remember our lost friend. Too soon?
Use this to hold open all doors for your friends and loved ones. Your home doesn't have to be full of tears and sadness in his absence.
The Kickstarter project has already hit its funding target, so a limited run of Hodor doorstoppers should be available soon.
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