
This is why the I'm A Celebrity contestants all wear red socks

2017 contestants on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!
2017 contestants on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!
Picture: ITV/PA Wire

Indignity is of course the official uniform of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! contestants, but there is a special reason the contestants all wear red socks.

You might think it's because the arrival of I'm A Celebrity means that Christmas is just around the corner, and red socks suit the festive season.

However, according to the show's on site medic 'Bob', it's a clever trick to stop the cameras picking up blood.

Contestant Georgia Toffolo dons the red socks.Contestant Georgia Toffolo dons the red socks.

Bob told Woman's Own that the celebrities in the jungle are usually covered in insect bites from hundreds of little blood suckers.

As this is still family entertainment, the contestants wear red rocks, which means on camera the blood spatters do not show up.

Bob also told Woman's Own that many of the rocks you see around the campsite are actually made of papier-mâché, and that the programme makers actually breeds tens of thousands of insects just for use in the show each year.

  • 2,5 million meal worms
  • 250,000 cockroaches
  • 153,000 crickets
  • 500 rats
  • 400 spiders
  • 30 snakes


HT Woman's Own

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