Louis Dor
Jan 02, 2017

The Hollywood sign has been tampered with to read 'Hollyweed' by pranksters.
Police said unidentified thrill-seekers had climbed up and arranged tarps over the two letter "O's" to make them look like "E's", two of which carried the peace sign.
The sign was vandalised around 3am by a male suspect dressed in all black, according to police.
By 11.15am the sign had been amended and restored to its original state, but not before the great and the good in the Hollywood Hollyweed Hills had taken a few photos and made a few jokes.
As people pointed out - it's not the first time this trick has been rolled out - it happened in 1976 and 1987, too.
The act of vandalism is actually reasonably difficult to accomplish. The Hollywood Sign Trust was established in 1978 as a fund to protect the sign and hillside surrounding - there's 24 hour surveillance, infrared cameras, motion sensors and razor-wire fence surrounding the sign.
The 1976 incident inspired a song by David Batterson:
Oh 2017, you think you're so original.
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