Darren Richman
Aug 24, 2019

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Harry Potter fans are of the opinion that Elizabeth Warren has a similar energy to Professor Minerva McGonagall, the character played by Maggie Smith in the film series of J.K. Rowling’s books.
Gabe Bergado, a writer and comedian, was the first to make the comparison:
elizabeth warren running for president has the same energy as professor mcgonagall running Hogwarts
Warren responded in style, clearly thrilled with the comparison:
I’m flattered, Gabe. Dementors or big bank CEOs, I’m ready to take ‘em on—let’s do this!
Warren is clearly a fan of the series, tweeting Rowling back in 2016 to ask if she was in the market for a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher:
Where do I apply? Trump, Death Eaters - I got this!
Naturally, the Potterheads were loving all this.
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