
Graham Norton tries to explain the current state of British politics to Stephen Colbert

As an Irishman who hosts a talk show in Britain, it's understandable why he has such an invested interest in Brexit.

Just under a year ago he appeared on Irish TV and brought the house down by mocking the British over the entire debacle.

Now the 56-year-old comedian has basically done the same on American television after he made an appearance on Stephen Colbert's The Late Show.

As the US has its own problems going on with their current leader, Colbert wanted to learn a bit more about what has been happening with Boris Johnson this week.

During the hilarious conversation between the pair, Norton admitted that they felt embarrassed for the US so got their "own angry Cabbage Patch Kid and made him the leader."

Colbert added:

Boris Johnson looks like such a cheap knock off of Donald Trump that he looks like someone in Times Square pretending to be Donald Trump.

The American host also wanted to learn a bit more about how Johnson is still in charge despite losing his majority in the Commons earlier this week.

Norton eloquently described it as if Johnson was 'drilling holes in a ship out of spite.'

What he cleverly did was, he said if anyone votes against me in my party, I will fire you. So they did vote against him so he fired them.

As he fires them, his majority gets less and less and less so it's like he's drilling holes in his own ship out of spite.

You can watch their full conversation in the video.

HT Mashable

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