
David Beckham trolled his son's Instagram live in the most dad way ever


Footballer David Beckham has a habit of trolling his son.

He once interrupted a celebratory “I hit one million followers” video his son was filming, by piping up behind him with an “I've got 52 [million]!”.

Well, he’s at it again, in the most dad-ish way possible.

On Monday, Brooklyn did a livestream on Instagram Live videos.

Comments were firing away as he spoke, but one in particular caught people’s attention…

Picture:Picture: Instagram

David Beckham, model and footballer, crept into his son's comments and wrote:

U should be at school.

You can hear the hearty chuckle from here...

Because the first joke tickled him, Beckham came back with another, this time a comment on what Brooklyn was wearing.

That's my shirt.

Picture:Picture: Instagram


More: David Beckham expertly trolls his son Brooklyn's Instagram video

More: 10 comments that prove this man is the internet's best troll

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