The usually benign Sir David Attenborough has expressed his irritation at Brexit and the EU itself.
The nation’s adopted grandfather took some time away from scouring land and sea for the wonders of nature he transports into our living rooms to discuss the issue currently devouring our country.
He pretty much told us to get our priorities in order, saying that while some people in South America and Africa "are faced with hideous problems, meanwhile we are occupied with these silly squabbles about Brexit".
Talking to Italy’s La Repubblica, he next took aim at the European Union:
I think that the irritation of the ways in which the European community has interfered with people's lives on silly levels or silly issues has irritated a lot of people who don't actually understand what the advantages and the disadvantages are.
He continued by mentioning vague regulations we can't help but imagine the likes of James O'Brien would have a field day with.
They're just fed up with somebody over there who doesn't speak their language, telling him how much money they've got to charge for tomatoes or something silly.
The interviewer then asked if he was more of a Brexiteer than a Remainer, to which he responded:
There had to be a change, one way or another.
But he appeared to lament that people were becoming "enraged", saying he hoped people remembered "the lunacy that overtook Europe" in the Second World War.
As with such a contentious issue, people were divided in their reaction to Sir David's interview. This lot, however, were delighted.
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