Jessica Brown
Oct 16, 2017

YouTube / vpro zondag met lubach
The problem of gun violence in America isn’t going away any time soon.
When campaigning doesn’t work, the next best thing is political satire.
In a recent episode of Sunday with Lubach, the host and Dutch comedian Arjen Lubach fronted a mock charity appeal calling on people to help the US with its NRA ('Nonsensical Rifle Addiction').
The appeal says a “devastating humanitarian crisis” is happening in the US, and that NRA is a “constitutional disorder caused by a dysfunction of the prefrontal second amendment in the nonsensical cortex, causing patient to shoot people”.
Lubach adds:
Often, patients use silencers to hide their condition.
NRA is highly contagious. Parents often pass it onto their children.
People with the most severe form of NRA are often in hard-to-reach places like rural areas. Or Congress.
The video ends with an appeal for help, adding:
With your contribution the Red Cross can send aeroplanes to drop water, blankets, facts, insights, statistics and truth bombs.
Here's the full video, and remember: give generously.
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