Greg Evans
Mar 07, 2019
The next big Marvel movie to be released will be Captain Marvel and, besides this being another movie for us to dissect and revel in, it's significant for another reason.
As the first ever Marvel movie to be solely fronted by a female superhero, it is a significant step forward for a franchise which has only tended to give supporting roles to women, thus far.
Reviews for the film have already begun to filter in from the critics but some so-called fans out there, they have already decided that they won't be seeing this movie.
Why? Because the film's lead star, Brie Larson, doesn't smile that much. Yes, that is the actual excuse that some men are using to boycott the movie. What. A. Time. To. Be. Alive.
You would think that this type of rhetoric would be thoroughly depressing for those that worked on the movie, yet they managed to get one over on the trolls by anticipating the backlash.
During the movie there is a moment where a man tells Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, to smile, which many will presume is a direct jab at the negative comments.
However, in an interview with Yahoo, Larson was asked whether this was a direct response to the controversy. Surprisingly, it was, but the filmmakers had a feeling that this sort of negativity would start to appear so they included it in the film anyway as to represent the type of comments that are directed at a woman on a daily basis.
Speaking to Yahoo's Kevin Polowy she said:
No, that was just in the movie already we'd already shot that. Yeah.
Polowy then asked another question:
So it was actually art predicting life?
Larson replied:
No, that's just a depiction of the female experience. That's just what's it's like.Â
It didn't really bother me much when I saw that was the reaction because that's just how it goes.Â
I'm sure you're probably like 'people say that?' Yeah, it happens.
This is part of why art that depicts the female experience is so important because on one hand for women and girls it allows us to go 'oh...I had that experience too.'
For those that aren't in our bodies can look at it and go 'wait, that happens to you? We gotta do better.'
Co-director Anna Boden added:
It was always in the script. It's not an uncommon thing for women to hear so it doesn't surprise me at all that is was in social media but I think a lot of women can relate to that moment.
Larson's response to the question has since gone viral and people are loving what she had to say.
HT Yahoo
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