
Matt Damon's SNL impression of Brett Kavanaugh is amazing

Matt Damon is a three-time Oscar-nominated actor but this weekend might have seen him give his greatest performance to date.

The 47-year-old actor opened Saturday Night Live with a perfect impression of Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement from his testimony against sexual assault claims that have been made against him - he denies them all.

In a long speech, Kavanaugh gave an intense and angry rant against the claims that he assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party in 1982.

Despite the serious allegations against him, Kavanaugh's strong denial of the claims has already become an Internet meme but Damon's recital is almost too perfect to believe.

Constantly drinking from a glass of water and speaking at a volume which "starts at 11, then I'm gonna take it to a 15 real quick!"

Kavanaugh's original speech was 45 minutes long but Damon cut his down to a digestible 13 minutes, with other SNL cast members playing the likes of Sen. Lindsey O. Graham and Sin. Dianne Feinstein, amongst others.

Damon's performance quickly won him lots of applause on Twitter.

However, some have chosen to criticise Damon's involvement in the skit due to his previous comments on the #MeToo movement and his support of Casey Affleck, who has been accused of similar crimes.

HT UniLad

More: Photo of emotional women behind Brett Kavanaugh goes viral, but all is not as it seems

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