Lowenna Waters
May 16, 2019

AP / Disney / Marvel
People are reportedly downloading a version of Avengers: Endgame that has all of the feminism, people of colour, and 'gay s***' edited out.
According to the illegal BitTorrent download page, that has been screenshotted and shared to Twitter, the anonymous uploader has written:
Endgame, but shorter, no feminism, no gay s***, less boring filler, less sniffing its own farts, no constant quips, no other small changes.
They then outline the entire list of changes that they've made to the original film, including 'absolutely no Brie Larson', 'no women leader conference', and 'No Hawkeye training his daughter' adding that 'young women should learn skills to become good wives and mothers and leave the fighting to men'.
Taking to Twitter to share a screenshot of the download page, user @FreeYourMindKid wrote:
So white men are downloading and pirating a copy of Endgame that has all of the non-white men edited out.
Other social media users thought that the edits were both hilarious and shocking.
Avengers: Endgameis the first Marvel movie to include an openly gay character, played by director Anthony Russo's brother and co-director Joe Russo. The movie's roster includes 30 superheroes, however the male characters enjoyed 381 minutes of screentime overall, and the female characters only 116 minutes, reports the Daily Mail.
The movie has also been described as the 'swansong' of the straight white male superhero movie, marking the end of the 'straight white male superhero gets the girl' formula of storytelling in light of social movements such as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, and #OscarsSoWhite amplifying the voices of those who are historically marginalised, reports Advocate.
Speaking to Deadline about the movie and the importance of diversity and representation, Joe Russo said:
Representation is really important.
It was important to us as we did four of these films, we wanted a gay character somewhere in them.
We felt it was important that one of us play him, to ensure the integrity and show it is so important to the filmmakers that one of us is representing that.
It is a perfect time, because one of the things that is compelling about the Marvel universe moving forward is its focus on diversity.
In 2018 a similar 'Chauvinist cut' was created and shared on torrent sites for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The much derided edit removed female characters and drastically altered the story arc. Thankfully fans reacted similarly to the above and did not condone the troll attempt.
More: Avengers Endgame: Man reportedly beaten up outside of a cinema after spoiling the film
More: Avengers: Endgame gives male and female characters very different amounts of screen time
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