Isobel van Hagen
Jan 13, 2021

As President Donald Trump’s time in office comes to an end, so do the many parodies and satires of his behavior. This includes Alec Baldwin’s memorable impersonation of the president – but he has one last comedic project to share.
To wrap up the last four years, Baldwin and writer Kurt Andersen have collaborated on Hasta la Vista, America: Trump's Farewell Address – an audiobook imagining a final speech by the president.
A Pushkin Industries project, which will be nearly 45-minutes long, was written by Andersen and performed by Baldwin. (The full audiobook went on sale for $0.99 on Wednesday, in the final few days before Joe Biden's inauguration.)
Anderson wrote on Twitter on Tuesday, “I channelled him one last time to write this 42-minute Farewell Address, and @AlecBaldwin channelled him one last time to perform it.”
A three-minute teaser of the “speech” was released on Tuesday on SoundCloud which “Trump” declares "the most important speech I've ever given."
After a short audio clip of a crowd of screaming supporters plays, Baldwin (as Trump) begins: "My fellow Americans, Happy New Year."
"That's right. For a while you're still free to say 'Happy New Year' like you were free on New Year's Eve to gather together and have fantastic parties and hug and sing and kiss without masks," Baldwin as Trump says, seemingly referencing a New Year's Eve party held at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort that did not require face masks or social distancing.
Baldwin's Trump is then heard speaking with someone in the background and then correcting himself.
"OK got it. Or with masks," “Trump” says. "Your choice, especially if you're not immune like me and the first family."
Baldwin, who has portrayed Trump on Saturday Night Live since he entered politics, won an Emmy for his performance in 2017.
Many looked forward to the full audiobook, although even just the clip was enough to excite people. Malcolm Gladwell called the satire, “utterly brilliant!”.
But others were not so sure, as the recent actions of Trump and his administration have seemingly moved beyond parody. As one person wrote, “I think we're beyond the point of using Trump as a source of comedy.”
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