Science & Tech
Matthew Champion
Jul 03, 2015
If your day is already dragging then perhaps try whiling the hours away by queuing to visit what is being billed as the world's most exclusive website.
Hundreds of thousands of people have spent around 20,000 hours in the line for after taking a ticket and waiting to be let in.
Once you're in, you get 60 seconds to enjoy the site before the person with the next ticket is admitted. We wouldn't want to spoil the site's content once you're in either...
Creator Justin Foley told CNBC that the idea for the site came from the idea that the "internet was designed to be open and accessible, what if I made a website that was the antithesis of one of the defining qualities of the internet?".
We did have ticket #259192 but accidentally closed the tab and lost our place. If you really don't want to wait but must know what's in the site, someone had posted a spoiler video here.
We say 'spoiler'...
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