Narjas Zatat
May 03, 2017

Millions of people use the Whatsapp messaging service all over the world. And unlike Home Secretary Amber Rudd, pretty much everyone knows how to use it.
However, popularity can be a tricky difficult burden to bear, and the chances are high that your chat list is clogged up with contacts and groups which are difficult to navigate.
Taking a much-need leaf out of Slack's book, Whatsapp have introduced a feature which allows you to pin your favourite chats to the top of the app.
How can you find this feature?
The feature can be found in beta versions of the app, and is likely to be added to both the iOS and Android versions fairly soon.
If you press and hold on a chat, the pin option will pop up alongside the delete and mute features. Pressing that will ensure the chat stays at the top of the list.
At the moment, only three chats can be pinned at any one time.
More: 5 Whatsapp hacks you need to master immediately
More: The amazing new WhatsApp feature you never knew you needed
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