Science & Tech
Matthew Champion
Dec 08, 2014

Who finds themselves in the middle of a social media storm this time?
It's the Conservative MP for Amber Valley, Nigel Mills. He is also a member of the work and pensions committee.
What happened?
A photo was taken of Mr Mills playing the Candy Crush Saga game on his iPad during an evidence session of the committee, a photo which found itself into the Sun newspaper today.
What does he have to say for himself?
After initially telling the Sun he "probably had a game or two" and would "try not to do it again", the MP issued a more fulsome apology on Twitter.
What sort of repercussions can he expect for so clearly wasting his time and taxpayers' money?
Well, none, apart from a sense of slight embarrassment. Maybe it will even humanise him in the eyes of the electorate.
What's the reaction been?
He's got the backing of David Cameron for one thing. The prime minister said: "I'm sure he will be embarrassed by what he saw in the papers today and he will work even harder in the future."
Public accounts committee chairman Sir Edward Leigh said Mr Mills was probably just trying to "keep himself awake" during a boring committee meeting.
Will anything happen now?
Well yes, because the incident is under investigation by Commons authorities...
... Because whoever took the photo must be found.
Wait, what?
No photograph, film, sketch or voice recording can be taken within the Parliamentary Estate without permission.
"This was a breach of the filming rules for House of Commons Committee Rooms, and will be investigated by the Serjeant at Arms," a Commons statement said.
Serious breaches will be reported to the Administration Committee.
You can't be serious?
"If the Parliamentary authorities have the time and money to waste on this pointless inquiry, then clearly we need to have another look at the size of their budget," commented John O'Connell of the TaxPayers' Alliance.
"The issue isn't how the photos got out, but why the MP was messing around on video games during the Committee and why Parliament insists on these outdated filming regulations for what is, lest we forget, a public meeting."
More: [David Cameron is slowly getting to grips with 'the internet']1
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