Indy100 Staff
Jul 12, 2017

Swiping right on Tinder is so often a bad move - a lot of us have been there.
You'll find out that they're incessant messengers, or they use a tediously common chat-up line or, quite often, they simply just don't seem as interested or interesting as you'd hoped.
No one ever hits the right speed.
It's like how everyone walking slower than you on a busy street is dawdling, and everyone who walks quicker is in a rush and self-important.
Why can't they be perfect?
Well, one couple who matched way back in 2014 have apparently found soul mates in each other.
Josh tweeted the history of their messages, and boy, is it a long history.
Twitter shipped it. Twitter shipped it real hard.
Michelle even replied... via Twitter:
Why can't those two crazy kids just get it together?
More: This is why Tinder doesn't get you good dates, according to scientists
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