Joe Vesey-Byrne
Jun 25, 2017

SIphotography/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Tinder's focus on pictures is its downfall when it comes to finding a great match.
Tinder gives you room for photos and not much else, making the decision for potential suitors a visual one.
Although room is left for a bio, users scoff at anything longer than a paragraph as vain or desperate, and most leave it blank, or try something vague and aloof, or fill it with emojis.
While for many this is the appeal (who wants to put themselves out there like that on this harsh planet?) it may be what stops you from finding a good date on Tinder.
Scientists have weighed in:
Research has found that good looking pictures can only carry a user so far. When they come to meet someone, there's a ceiling on how much they will like you if they already found you attractive.
A good personality could be what's necessary to secure that second date - shock.
Researchers at the University of Kansas recruited 65 pairs of strangers and divided these into three groups.
One group was shown 10 pictures of strangers and asked to judge their attractiveness. They then met the 10 strangers and had a 10 minute conversation with each of them.
Afterwards, the participants were asked to reevaluate how attractive each of the 10 strangers was.
The researchers found that meeting face-to-face often sees the attractiveness of a date go up.
However the increase only happens on those who were ranked middle to low in attractiveness before meeting.
Those in the 'middle' of attractiveness rankings received higher ratings after the date for being friendly and funny. Essentially their good personality made them more attractive.
Persons who were already considered good looking did not see the same bounce after a face to face meeting.
The researchers also found that the act of rating someone before a date, diminished your evaluation of the person afterwards.
So you go to Tinder dates with high expectations that leave you underwhelmed - Blind Date couldn't have come back at a better time.
Jeffery Hall, associate professor of communication studies told Mail Online:
With Tinder and user-directed online dating services, people try to manage the vast number of profiles by picking the most attractive people.
Several researchers have made the critique that that is not the best way to find a partner.
HT Mail Online
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