Science & Tech

This woman wants to make 3D printed food

This woman wants to make 3D printed food

Dutch food designer Chloé Rutzerveld has a vision - and it's edible. She has developed a 3D printing concept where your snack will grow itself.

Rutzerveld wants to use organic materials to print the shells, which will then be left to develop.

"As it develops, you can see organic shapes. You can see the stages of growth and the development of taste and flavour," Rutzerveld says of her Edible Growth Project.

With the technology still at an early stage, 3D printed food will take a long time to come to the market. But the idea, presented at Dutch Design Week, is an intriguing one.

"By 3D printing food you can make the production chain very short, the transport will be less, there is less land needed. But also you can experiment with new structures. You can surprise the consumer with new food and things that haven't been done before," Rutzerveld adds.

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