Science & Tech

This man found the love of his life after becoming a meme

This man found the love of his life after becoming a meme

The ridiculously happy marine has yet another reason to be ridiculously happy.

The Imgur user who goes by the name of Stray Bullet shot into the internet hall of fame two years ago when he uploaded a picture of himself recieving packages from home while on rotation in Uganda:

And every post features his massive grin, no matter the circumstances:

They appear to grasp the humor pretty quick, because they kept laughing while loading me down with weapons telling me the photo needs "more guns" in it.

Imgurians! I sincerely apologize for not providing more guns in this photo, as you requested on the last photo. Hopefully you will accept this photo of me riding the barrel of a tank while holding two PKM's as sufficient evidence that I will do my best in the future. I want to be that OP that delivers to you the images you request. In the meantime, be good, be safe, and make efforts to spread smiles. (Photo credit goes to "HelmetFire" A.K.A. The Unfortunate Black Marine).

That's right. RHM is hitting stateside. Look for him in your local movie theaters, dive bars and Taco Bells.Oh, Geoff the Giraffe is coming too. WE BE HOMEWARD BOUND!

Stray Bullet won himself legions of fans - many female:

Including one who calls herself Wlfqueen07. She was shy, but finally plucked up the courage to message the Ridiculously Happy Marine:

The pair chatted online and realised that they were from the same area in the US. They talked for a year, and met up in person when RHM came home.

And... they fell in love.

Hundreds of commenters and Imgur itself have congratulated the couple on their new found happiness.

Imgur's own Ridiculously Happy Marine is now ridiculously happier! Congrats, you two!

Posted by Imgur on Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Wlfqueen07 posted a pic of the two getting ice cream explaining the story, writing:

Real life proof that Imgur love can happen and does exist. I feel so lucky everyday! Big thanks to Imgur and this community for bringing us together. If it wasn't for you I would have never met the man of my dreams.

Who needs Tinder when you could message, meet and fall in love with an internet celebrity?

More: Your picture is everything in the shallow world of online dating

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