Science & Tech
Dina Rickman
Jan 17, 2015

Today in research that is relevant to you, academics have discovered the most efficient way to load a dishwasher.
Engineers at the University of Birmingham have said that rather than the typical method of stacking dishes in rows, the way water is distributed inside a dishwasher means loading items in a circle around the cutlery basket will produce cleaner dishes. This is because water comes out of the dishwashers' rotating arms in a circular fashion. However, the design of a dishwasher means it is harder for dishes to be stacked this way - an incongruity that caused Dr Raul Perez-Mohedano, who led the research, to admit he personally believed it could be time for manufacturers to re-think their design. "Current commercial dishwashers show a problem of symmetry. While the ejection of water is produced in a circular movement, the distribution of the crockery follows a rectangular pattern. This automatically produces areas where the impact of water is going to occur for longer," he said.
"There are some ideas out there that have been or are ready to be commercialised."
For now, the academics recommend putting dishes stained with similar products next to one other and warn against overloading a dishwasher, as this can cause stains to be baked onto dishes.
More: Quiz: Are you wrong about nearly everything?More: Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) for the analysis of water motion in a domestic dishwasher
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