Science & Tech
Bethan McKernan
Apr 19, 2016

This post is slightly NSFW
Mumsnet, for our money, is one of the most misunderstood corners of the internet.
Uncharitably described as "4chan for middle aged women" its thousands of bloggers and posters discuss everything from post-marital sex hygiene to the Big Questions about life, love and the universe via politics and fourth wave feminism.
It's got an entire language all of its own to confound non-Mumblrs, and as one Mumsnetter wrote for Independent Voices in the aftermath of the Great Penis Beaker Furore of 2013:
We're edgy, irreverent and love a good yarn. We've got an opinion about everything and special language and emoticons that we all understand. We give virtual pieces of cake, brews and occasionally biscuits, ( as in, 'that takes the').
But if you can't handle them at their worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve them at their best:
1. Penis Beaker.
If you've never been on Mumsnet before, this is your baptism of fire.
Read the weird, weird places this went here.
2. It is a place of no judgement. Just gentle pointers in the right direction.
3. We will never forget the dinosaur incident.
One Mumblr wanted to get dinosaurs banned from the curriculum because they're a "bad influence" on children and scientific proof of their existence is "pretty flimsy".
4. You can crowdsource literally anything on there. Even weasel physics.
5. Mumsnet is also a source for news verification now apparently.
6. There's a whole subforum dedicated to answering 'Am I Being Unreasonable' (AIBU) posts:
7. ...
8. Users pool resources to help each other out translating teenspeak.
"If anyone can add anything else, please do, in the interests of helping me understand what my son is saying to me:"
9. Two words: wank mitten.
10. Two more words: racist toddlers.
11. Whatever the tribulation of family life, Mumsnet will be on hand with a digital ear to listen and an opinion (or 28) to give.
12. Mumsnetters, online as in IRL, have got everything covered.
13. And if this anecdote about a bake sale is anything to go by...
They're pretty fierce, too.
In conclusion: Mumsnet does NOT mess about.
You have been warned.
With eternal thanks to /r/bestofMumsnet
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