Science & Tech

A company is working out when people will die based on their selfies

A company is working out when people will die based on their selfies

Never underestimate the power of the selfie – expert can now apparently use it to tell when you’re going to die.

Science and tech firm Lapetus has developed a “scientifically proven” method of forecasting mortality, based on the rate a person is ageing.

And it does this by analysing your selfies.

Lapetus marketing chief Janet Anderson, told Global News:

[The consumer] uploads a selfie and answers a few questions and then we take that info and analyze it and are able to produce an output of a life expectancy.

Taking a look at 350 points on the face, and thousands of regions, we assess for BMI, gender and are able to… detect if there was smoking [in a person’s history]

Insurance advisers even say they can see insurers using the technology, due to its efficiency.

Anderson said:

You can go through our platform in less than 10 minutes and during that time we can provide that info to an insurance carrier

We can't think of a better excuse for filters.

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