Science & Tech
Joe Vesey-Byrne
Oct 22, 2017

These Netflix codes will let you access new categories for films and TV, to suit your particular mood.
The immediately available categories on Netflix can feel quite rudimentary.
For instance, how is 'British Movies' a genre?
It turns out Netflix has hundreds of subcategories and sub genres, and all you need to find them are these codes.
Two websites, What's On Netflix and currently have a list of all the titles, and how to find them.
To use the codes to find, for instance, all the films and TV programmes under 'Alien Sci-Fi', simply put the number code '6485' at the end of the URL.
Then you can see Star Trek, Cowboys & Aliens, and Kill Flowns from Out-Space - if that takes your fancy.
If you want 'Movies Based on Children's Books', and re-watch absolute classics such as Matilda, Shrek, and Hook use '10056'
You can even specify if you're Team Edward or Team Jacob, by looking at only 'Vampire Horror Movies' (75804) or 'Werewolf Horror Movies' (75930).
HT Thrillist
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