Science & Tech
Dina Rickman
Oct 21, 2014

Data scientist Alice Zhao has charted how her text messages with her husband changed from when they first met in 2008, to when they were engaged, to newly-weds.
As well as the content of messages, she looked at the timing of them and explained why she thinks it changed.
The decoded version
The main difference is that while we were dating, we didn’t see each other every day, so a lot of our communication had to happen via text. We’d often message the other person to see what they were doing or tell them that we were thinking of them. As a married couple, since we’re together all the time, we set up date nights and say sweet things to each other in person, so texting is mostly used to confirm logistics or share random thoughts.
Zhao's project was to celebrate the couple's sixth year together, and all charts are reproduced with her permission. Happy anniversary.
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