Science & Tech
Byony Jewell
Apr 06, 2018

A 31-year-old oddball has spent the last year of his life painstakingly researching and designing possibly the most useless invention in the world - fluffy unicorn nipples.
Oddball entrepreneur Danny Ruxton is hoping his new product – with the catchphrase “flick ‘em, rub ‘em, suck ‘em” – will be the next bestselling thing in the world of random gadgets.
But the white fluffy boob-shaped balls, complete with glittery rainbow spiral teats, do absolutely nothing - and yet they still took him a year to design.
The prototype is a large scale version of the actual charmed teats that will sit on a fluffy base and be sold in a small container perfect to fit on a desk or bedside table.
He said:
There’s so much tat and rubbish in gadget shops, why not have some unicorn nipples as well - everyone loves unicorns.
Danny designed the Lucky Unicorn Nipples at home in Larkfield, Kent - that he shares with his dog and fiance.
He even managed to rope-in the help of Dutch designer Ritchie van Daal to create the rainbow prototype.
The multi-coloured body part is now being produced in China and will be in UK stores soon.
The Ocado Technology engineer lives with his fiancée Lindsey Munro, 25, and their dog Stifler, six.
He said:
The final product will be smaller than the prototype size and they’ll be perfect for shops like Menkind and Hawkin’s Bazaar.
Because they can sit on the counters they’ll be a great impulse buy for people.
You can flick there or even at your work desk.
When he told his friends about the newest business venture they weren’t surprised.
He said:
My friends laughed when I told them.
I’ve got several other products now so they’re use to me coming up with these ideas on my days off.
Lucky Unicorn Nipples are not Danny’s first creation - because he's made a mobile app called Stare Off where users battle each other in a staring competition.
No price has been set for the fluffy nips yet but Danny hopes they won’t be any more than £10.
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