Science & Tech

Kim Kardashian has released her own 'kimoji' so we can all go home now

It's the end of days.

Just when you thought things couldn't get much worse than Kim Kardashian West calling her second child Saint, she launches an app full of her own emojis.

The "Kimojis" range from Kardashian's infamous bottom, to her favourite food (doughnuts) to her car (a Rolls-Royce).

It's certainly a fitting move for the woman who announced the birth of Saint via the medium of emojis earlier this month.

Although, we can't tell you what The Great Wave off Kanagawa is doing in the mix.

Kardashian already has an app, her game in which you get to live her life virtually, which is said to have earned her $85m (£57m) in its first year.

The app was reported by the Daily Mail to have "broken the app store" upon release, such was its popularity.

Is there an emoji for "easy money"?

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