Louis Dor
Sep 13, 2017

Netflix / Getty Images
Apple announced the iPhone 8 at their keynote in their World Wide Developer Conference in San Jose, California - their newest smartphone, starting at a price point of £700.
Apple also announced the iPhone X, their newest premium model, starting at a slightly eye watering £1000.
This feels like a lot of money to pay for a smartphone, or rather to pay for the supposed cachet of having a status symbol with access to animojis.
It's essentially a DIY emoji movie in your message exchange, in which you gurn and move about, and, look! The animal moves about. Ahahahaha!
The focus is on me, and what I'm saying! But it's a character! So it's socially acceptable narcissism!
Well, if you're thinking it's all a bit end-of-society, Black Mirror agrees.
You may have spotted Waldo in there.
Waldo was an animated blue bear from the second season of Black Mirror, in an episode called "The Waldo Moment".
He inspired political uprising by questioning authority on a panel show and ran for office, becoming an unlikely animated floating figurehead.
So we can probably expect Kanye Wests's custom floating head emoji for future party broadcasts from the dear leader, sponsored by Apple.
HT Uproxx
More: Black Mirror, one of the UK's best shows, to premiere everywhere except the UK
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