Indy100 Staff
Mar 07, 2019

Interracial emoji couples are now officially a thing.
Last year Tinder launched a petition to have interracial couples immortalised in emoji form and, after more than 50,000 signatures, the new emojis have been accepted.
Thanks, Tinder!
This is a definite change from the current emoji representing couples: it comes in the default yellow on iOS.
Tinder and the Unicode Consortium – the people who make emojis – will be adding a new batch of couples featuring lots of different mixes of genders and skin colours.
There will be whopping 71 new variations of the couple emoji.
The petition to introduce interracial couple emojis forms part of Tinder’s #representlove campaign, which launched in 2018. The dating app citing research that “shows that online dating and interracial relationships go hand in hand".
A recent study suggested Tinder and the resulting increased popularity of dating apps may be responsible for an increase in interracial marriages.
“Tinder advocates for the freedom of people to live how they want to live and love who they want to love,” said Jenny Campbell, CMO of Tinder.
The success of our interracial couple emoji campaign shows how powerful the voices are of the more than 50,000 people who joined our cause by signing our petition; together, we effected change and ensured visual representation for interracial couples around the world.
I couldn’t be more proud of this incredibly positive outcome.
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