Louis Dor
Apr 04, 2017

Getty Images/iStockphoto
Facebook stalking gets you moody, and the terror of an accidental 'like' in the 'Kavos 2k13' album means the practice is probably best avoided.
Looking through endless live feeds of people's carefully curated best moments probably isn't the best way to make you happy.
After all, lifestyle comparison against the best everyone else has to offer, is not a fair contest.
Regardless, how do you find out who's been checking up on you?
Facebook has just added a new feature, which is startlingly similar to one found on rival platform Snapchat, that allows you to find out.
The company said that they will never permit features that allow other users to see who viewed their profile, which happens in networks like LinkedIn.
However, the new 'Stories' feature on the Facebook app allows you to see who has viewed your stories and specifically which parts of it.
Much like Snapchat lets you know when people view your stories.
Or like Facebook-owned Instagram, which introduced the feature after it saw the success on Snapchat.
Or like Facebook Messenger. Or Facebook-owned Whatsapp.
Facebook has prominently placed the feature in all its apps now, begging the question; why do you need four different versions of the app on your phone, just because they don't like a little social media competition?
In fact, why do you need an app that just exists to flog crap to you through ads and sell your data and personal information to advertisers?
This has digressed into a grumpy old man rant.
Why don't you kids read books?
Play some Subbuteo or Scalextric. What do you mean you don't know what those are?
HT Mirror
More: Woman freaks out after realising someone is stalking her with Instagram
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