Jessica Brown
Dec 11, 2016

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If you’re feeling frisky, maybe don't try it on with your Uber driver.
The taxi behemoth has just published a set of guidelines detailing how passengers should behave to avoid being banned from using the service (and subsequently ostracised from society) – flirting is just one of them.
Here’s what not to do next time you’re hitching a ride solol or grabbing an uber pool, according to
1. Treat your fellow riders and drivers as you would like to be treated yourself: with respect.
This includes refraining from:
2. Shouting.
3. Swearing.
4. Slamming doors.
5. Hurting a driver or fellow passenger.
6. Talking loudly on the phone.
7. Leaving any mess behind.
8. Making any aggressive, sexual, discriminatory, or disrespectful comments.
9. And don’t be xenophobic:
Remember that when you use Uber you will meet people who may look different or think differently from you. Please respect those differences.
10. Keep your hands to yourself:
11. Don’t touch other people in the car.
12. Dont flirt with anyone else in the car.
13. "No sexual conduct between drivers and riders, no matter what."
14. Don’t comment on someone’s appearance.
15. Don’t ask whether a fellow passenger is single.
16. Don’t ask overly personal questions.
Keep it classy:
17. Don’t intentionally spill food or drink.
18. Don’t smoke.
19. Don’t vomit due to excessive alcohol consumption.
Stay safe:
20. Buckle up.
21. Leave your guns at home.
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