Science & Tech

Woman couldn't sleep because a dead cockroach was stuck in her vagina

Woman couldn't sleep because a dead cockroach was stuck in her vagina
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A gynaecologist was left stunned after he found a cockroach in a patient’s vagina.

Dr Marco Cálix said the woman arrived at the health centre “extremely restless, agitated, and sweaty.”

She told him that she had a rough night trying to sleep due to something “extremely strange in my vagina.”

Upon inspection, the gynaecologist noticed the presence of a large insect.

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Dr Cálix stated: “She said she had something unusual in her vagina. When I introduced the speculum, I could see that it was an insect.In fact, I had to take out something like a cockroach.”

It is unknown how the little critter got there.

The unnamed patient came from a rural part of Honduras.

The specialist, who is based in the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa, said the insect was dead before he removed it.

He did not state whether the patient suffered any damage or if she needed further treatment after her ordeal.

Dr Cálix admitted the bizarre discovery could be seen as light-hearted now.

But he pointed out that he was very anxious at the time as he had never encountered anything like it before.

The specialist said it is very common to find condoms during vaginal exams, but discovering a cockroach was a “whole other level.”

He added that it is also common to find pieces of sex toys during examinations, such as detached jiggle balls.

Dr Cálix said problems can arise if an object stays inside the patient’s vagina for too long, possibly causing an infection or damaging nearby tissue.

The gynaecologist said symptoms can include abnormal or foul-smelling discharge, bleeding, swelling or a rash.

He advised women to always consult with their doctor if in any doubt.

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