Science & Tech

This is the cheapest way to buy an iPhone X - and you get a 'free' holiday to New York

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Getty/ Justin Sullivan

The release of the iPhone X has had all tech-lovers drooling this week. The new device features facial recognition, wireless charging and a huge screen.

“Say hello to the future,” Apple confidently states on its website. Say hello to that overdraft, is closer to the general consensus - since the new model will set you back £999, or €1159.

However, the X is cheaper in the US, where it’s being sold for $999. This equates to around €830.

One tech expert based in Amsterdam has figured out he can go to New York, enjoy two nights’ accommodation, and pick up the iPhone for the same price there than he would’ve done at home.

And he’d even have a few dollars left over for spending money.

Although, the one flaw in the plan appears to be that these calculations don't include US tax:

WOWair, the airline he mentions in his tweets, has offered to fly Juan to New York, after his tweet got them 3.7 million impressions to their website, according to Lad Bible.

Maybe they'll buy him the phone too?

More: Black Mirror actually predicted one of the new iPhone's scariest features

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